Duties/Responsibilities of the Illinois Classical Conference representatives listed below include, but are not limited to, the following:
Representative to ACL:
Representative to CAMWS:
Representative to AIA/APA:
Representative to ICTFL:
Representative to ACL:
- this need not necessarily be a permanent position held by one person, the president(s) may simply delegate someone who happens to be going that year;
- attend the ACL conference during June;
- $300 stipend available to help defray costs of annual conference;
- gather information on Classics in Illinois from our various media outlets (FaceBook, Augur, fall conference, Yahoo ListServe) in order to be ready to report on the Classics in Illinois (topics include but are not limited to: number of schools with Latin; number of Latin teachers; issues, successes or failures/PROs and CONs of Classics in Illinois; Classics events, lectures, &c. going on in Illinois;
- attend Winter and Fall Ad. Council meetings to report on the salient points of the conference (e.g., news on the new A.P.; changes in standards/evaluation of Latin teachers) and to announce dates of following year’s ACL;
- upon return from the conference, announce dates of next year’s ACL as well as other ACL news via ICC FaceBook, Augur, Yahoo ListServ, and in person at the fall conference.
- Keep ICC apprised of ACL activities via ICC web-site, ListServ, and/or Facebook page;
- Keep up on the news of ACL via the ACL website or newsletter;
Representative to CAMWS:
- Represent ICC at the annual CAMWS meeting;
- Keep ICC apprised of CAMWS activities via ICC web-site, ListServ, and/or Facebook page;
- Keep up on the news of CAMWS via the CAMWS website or newsletter;
- $100 stipend available from ICC to help defray costs of annual conference;
Representative to AIA/APA:
- Represent ICC at the annual AIA and APA meetings;
- Keep ICC apprised of AIA/APA activities via ICC web-site, ListServ, and/or Facebook page;
- Keep up on the news of the AIA/APA via the AIA/APA website or newsletter;
Representative to ICTFL:
- Represent ICC on the board of directors for ICTFL by attending meetings regularly and to keep other state language organizations updated on ICC activities;
- Attend annual conference;
- Keep ICC apprised of ICTFL activities via ICC web-site, ListServ, and/or Facebook page;
- Keep up on ICTFL news via the ICTFL website or newsletter;
- $100 stipend available from ICC to help defray costs of annual meeting